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    Task from School

  • Date

    2021, February

  • Time Taken

    I don't really know


This is a task from school when i was grade 3 in second semester. Actually this is my "Last Project" in school. In there i have been tasked to build an "Inventaris Perbaikan". I build it using Laravel Framework v8.xx as a base with some dependency library like a Bootstrap, ReactJS, and something. I make it while i prepare to join a Student Competency Competition(LKS WilKer-level) so i don't really know how much i take a time for built this project. And finally i make it as Open Source Project, for the Source Code you kan reach on this link.

The Challenge

  • Learn how to manage time as a professional.

  • Learn to not get bored easily.

  • Learn about ReactJS just as a Partial-Component.

  • Learn many thing.

The Solution

Self Improvement.