Student Web Programmer Freelancer

Yoni Widhi Cahyadi

Basic Info About Me


Hello, My name is Yoni Widhi Cahyadi, you can call me Yoni, Widhi or whatever you want. I was born at 16 April 2003, so now i'm 18 Years old. I live in Indonesia country. Now i'm student at Vocational School (Software Engineer) at grade 11. Actually i don't know why i was choose that vocational, and actually i choose that because i just forced. When i start about Programming, i was excited to be a Mobile Apps Developer, i think it's really fun.

But, when i really want to learn it, My PC specification is under to run Android Studio software. You know.. It's really hard to me and i began to lost my spirit. Someday i know about Web Programming from Youtube Tutorials, they teach about PHP Programming Language. From there i started to learn about everything the world of Web Programming, like HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript and some Frameworks and Libraries. And now, this is Me:)

  • Name

    Yoni Widhi Cahyadi

  • Age

    20 Years

  • Website

    Not yet have a private website

  • Hometown

    Ponorogo City

Hire Me For Work Download My Virtual Name Card









Life's Word Motivational Quotes

"If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You"

Steve Jobs

CEO at Apple INC [1955 - 2011]

"Reading is the Best of the Teacher"

Jessica Smith

CEO at Google

"Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun"

Albert Einstein

German Theoretical Physicist [1879 - 1955]

My Resume

  • Education

  • 2009-2015

    SDN 1 Keniten Ponorogo

    @Elementary School

    This is my school when i was child. This school is really have many memories. Actually i studied here because this school is not too far from my house, maybe my parents wish. And I studied here until my Graduation at grade 6th Elementary:)

  • 2015-2018

    SMPN 3 Ponorogo

    @Junior High School

    I studied here until Graduation too. In there i have joined to enter the Superior Class. And i think here i had started love about Technology, Hardware of Computer, Basic Networking, Basic Hacking, and anymore. I just learn by my self 'cause nobody can teach me and i think my environtment is not an IT person, so i just self-learning alone:)

  • 2018-2021

    SMKN 1 Jenangan Ponorogo

    @Vocational High School

    This is a Vocational School. Here i choose majored as a Sofware Engineer. Here is everything started. And actually i don't really want to studied here because I'm not feel comfortable with some reasons i can't tell to you.

  • Experience

  • 2016-2018

    Excited to Computer


    Since grade 2 junior high school i start excited about what is computer then i learn much about computer hardware, composition/compare hardware, learn some basic networking, and maybe basic about OS.

  • 2018-2019



    I started know the bloggers since grade 1 high school. I know that from my friend who helps me if i ask to him.

  • 2018-Now

    Learn about Programming


    Since grade 1 high school i learn about programming, from scracth i learn C++ basic, HTML, Bootstrap, PHP, JavaScript, and some library maybe.

  • 2019-2020

    Internship at Darussalam Gontor University (Unida)


    I was internship for 6 month here due to assignment from my school.

  • 2019-Now

    Web Programmer

    @Web Programming

    From this i learn some framework for building a Web Application.

  • 2021

    1st Place at LKS WilKer-level Cloud Computing 2021

    @LKS Cloud Computing

    This called "LKS" meaning Student Competency Competition, i have won the WilKer-level in LKS Cloud Computing contest which is i use the AWS Services for building an Infrastructure for deployment application i have built.

  • 2021

    Participants of LKS Provincial-level Cloud Computing 2021

    @LKS Cloud Computing

    In this partition i wouldn't wins and i just get 8th. But i think this is my experience too, so i wrote it here.

  • 2021 - 2022

    Fullstack Web Developer at PT Mitra Informatika

    @Full Time Work

    Joined to a software company that develop the Fault Network Ticketing System for a one of best Telco company in Indonesia. In there, i was mainly contributed as Backend Tech development using Typescript and Fastify as a core of internal frameworks. (August 2, 2021 until November 4, 2022)

  • 2022 - Now

    Freelance Backend Developer at SE-JE Digital

    @Part Time Work

    Building team together with my school friends to serving a software development for micro-middle entrepreneurs as proof of contribution of digitalization in Indonesia. Anyway, we develop our software product too, it's called "Yukder" and many more..

My Hobbies






Learning Tech

My Skills







CodeIgniter (v3.xx)





Kafka Message Brokers

My Services

I provide high quality services. My services that I provide are listed below. Hope you will like them. Lorem ipsum dolor.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.

Web Design

Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.

Web Design

Ut aboramus, numquam corpora qui naex. Dolore aliquando id duo, voluptua laboramus quo ad.


How much I charge


$ 29 /mo
  • Logo Design
  • PSD to HTML
  • Fixed to Responsive
  • App Development
  • Photography
Choose This


$ 39 /mo
  • Logo Design
  • PSD to HTML
  • Fixed to Responsive
  • App Development
  • Photography
Choose This


$ 42 /mo
  • Logo Design
  • PSD to HTML
  • Fixed to Responsive
  • App Development
  • Photography
Choose This

Work Process



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet is simply a dummy text used by typeset industries. Lorem ipsum dolor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet is simply a dummy text used by typeset industries. Lorem ipsum dolor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet is simply a dummy text used by typeset industries. Lorem ipsum dolor.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet is simply a dummy text used by typeset industries. Lorem ipsum dolor.


Ad oportere voluptatibus nec, sea ei civibus praesent. At timeam expetenda inciderint has. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero.

Jack Smith

CEO at Google

Ad oportere voluptatibus nec, sea ei civibus praesent. At timeam expetenda inciderint has. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero.

Jessica Smith

CEO at Google

Ad oportere voluptatibus nec, sea ei civibus praesent. At timeam expetenda inciderint has. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero. Invidunt constituto ne per, paulo omnium quaerendum his eu, cu congue consul cetero.

Jim Smith

CEO at Google


Check out my works. But actually this is not all of what i built.


Bakery Bread




Jerse Commerce


Inventaris Peminjaman 1


Inventaris Perbaikan


Search Movie OMDB


Project Title


Project Title

My Blog

This is my blog where my thoughts live. Check it out to know more about me. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Simple Post With Image

  • Johny Doe
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

Cu illud lorem putent vel. Eum in movet nostrum referrentur. His ne tantas tractatos. Sit eu saperet antiopam scripserit. Ei albucius consequuntur sea, no nominavi fabellas phaedrum his....

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Simple Post With Image

  • Johny Doe
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

Cu illud lorem putent vel. Eum in movet nostrum referrentur. His ne tantas tractatos. Sit eu saperet antiopam scripserit. Ei albucius consequuntur sea, no nominavi fabellas phaedrum his....

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Simple Post With Image

  • Johny Doe
  • 14 June 2015
  • 5

Cu illud lorem putent vel. Eum in movet nostrum referrentur. His ne tantas tractatos. Sit eu saperet antiopam scripserit. Ei albucius consequuntur sea, no nominavi fabellas phaedrum his....

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Contact Me

I'm available for freelancing. If you want something to be built or just to say hi, feel free to shoot me a message.